Essential Counseling Skills for SLPs

SLPs use counseling skills every day, but counseling isn’t always a topic we spend a lot of time thinking about, and it’s an area where we may lack confidence.

The beginning of the episode includes a discussion about the role that counseling plays in speech-language pathology. This discussion includes the idea that counseling is both a bigger and a smaller part of speech-language pathology than we may realize. It’s bigger in the sense that it’s part of everything we do, and it’s smaller in the sense that it’s not something extra we need to add onto our work. It’s embedded in our interactions with students, clients, and families.

The episode goes on to talk about the two types of counseling that are within the scope of practice for SLPs. The first type is informational counseling, which involves educating the student or client about relevant topics related to communication disorders. The second type is personal adjustment counseling. This type involves working with the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are connected to a student or client’s communication challenges.

Research indicates that SLPs typically feel less confident about personal adjustment counseling than informational counseling, so the remainder of the episode focuses on personal adjustment counseling. It includes several tips from Dr. David Luterman, who is the author of a textbook on counseling in speech-language pathology. These tips include understanding grief as it relates to communication disorders, focusing on active listening, and working on our own personal growth.

The episode closes with a reminder that sometimes we may need to refer our students or clients to mental health professionals, particularly when they are struggling with emotions that are not directly connected to their communication skills.

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References and Resources: 
ASHA Counseling Practice Portal
ASHA Scope of Practice
Clinical Issues: Disability, Loss, and Grieving: Implications and Suggestions for Speech and Language Professionals
Counseling Persons with Communication Disorders and Their Families
On Teaching Counseling: Getting Beyond Informational Counseling
Special Interest Group 20, Counseling

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