5 Winter Books for Speech Therapy

There is no escaping it…winter is here to stay!

Why not cozy up to the idea by bringing some of these fun winter books into your speech room?  Books are such a great way to touch on a variety objectives, while capturing the interest of your students.  I’ve got five winter favs to share with you today!

1) The Little Snowplow by Lora Koehler. 

This book delivers a sweet message about being different.  The little snow plow gets picked on by the big plows, but he is the one who saves the day when he is the only one that could fit through two boulders.  A great message for our students that are wonderfully unique.

2) Cara’s Kindness by Kristi Yamaguchi.

 Who doesn’t love stories about kindness?  In this book by Kristi Yamaguchi (am I dating myself by saying I remember watching her compete in the Olympics?), friends help each other out in different ways.  Great for working on social skills and a nice way to incorporate a little extra kindness into your speech room!  (Pssst.. if you’re looking for some more ways to incorporate kindness, follow The Kindness Project from my friend Claudia over at Creative Speech Lab.  I’ll be joining in to share some ideas mid-April!)

3) Wonderful Winter by Bruce Goldstone. 

This book is packed with fun facts and fabulous opportunities to work on various language skills throughout the book.  For example, what does winter taste like?  What does winter feel like?  Pictures in the book are a great supplement to many of these questions that we already ask our students.

4) Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buhner.

Have you ever wondered what snowmen do at night?  This book is a great way to play off of the normal curiosity that all students have.  It also uses rhyme, which is a great way to incorporate phonological awareness into your session.

5) The Mitten by Jan Brett.

I am assuming that most of you are familiar with this one, but for those that don’t, it’s a must have!  It’s a story about a boy who loses his mitten that many animals all squeeze into together.  You can work on temporal sequencing, by asking your students to indicate what happened first, next, and last.

I hope that you enjoyed this list of books and find them useful in your speech therapy sessions!

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